COVID-19 Clinic Status:
During the COVID-19 pandemic, VFRC clinics have adjusted their schedules and services. Please call the clinic nearest to you to learn how they may best serve your needs.
Executive Director: Samantha Ball, MBA
Phone: 802-885-1616
Address: 368 River St Suite 115B Springfield, VT 05156
Email: [email protected]
Monday through Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm
OUTREACH AND ENROLLMENT in VT Health Connect, Medicaid programs, Ladies First and other state programs, Medicare programs, North Star Health, Springfield Hospital, and other hospital financial assistance programs.
CASE MANAGEMENT assistance in navigating the local health care system to aid patients/clients of all ages in meeting their health needs.
REFERRALS FOR PRIMARY CARE specialized, and episodic treatment.
REFERRALS FOR DENTAL CARE and assistance in paying for treatment (co-pays & limited funding within the Springfield Hospital Service Area).
ASSISTANCE WITH PHARMACY enrollment and management of Patient Assistance Pharmaceutical programs for free medications along with some vouchers to assist with medication purchases for patients of North Star Health and Springfield Hospital service areas.
About The Clinic
Valley Health Connections is a non-profit 501c3 whose mission is to remove barriers and facilitate access to health care for uninsured and underinsured people. Our goal is to provide access to quality health care. This includes assistance with health insurance enrollment, financial assistance programs, pharmacy and dental assistance programs, working through issues with affordability for all types of health care, and referrals to providers for regular ongoing health care.
We never charge or bill for our services. The income level of the household generally determines eligibility for different programs. Patients are referred to health care providers through an agreement with Springfield Hospital and North Star Health, as well as other local providers based on their financial guidelines.

About Your Privacy:
Vermont’s Free & Referral Clinics’ (VFRC’s) member clinics are dedicated to patient confidentiality. If you need assistance with healthcare issues, please call for an appointment. For your protection, PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL US WITH CLINICAL CONCERNS.
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