COVID-19 Clinic Status:
During the COVID-19 pandemic, VFRC clinics have adjusted their schedules and services. Please call the clinic nearest to you to learn how they may best serve your needs.
Director: Kelli Rapp
Phone: 802-674-7213
Address: 289 County Road, Windsor, VT 05089
Monday through Friday, 8:30am – 3:30pm
- Medication assistance
- Free clinic *
- Continuing Care Program **
* Free clinic – Community members are welcome to come to the clinic during clinic hours. The coordinator or a volunteer will greet you and determine your eligibility for the clinic. If you need an appointment for medical care, one will be made for you during normal clinic hours. Care will be provided by doctors from the Mt. Ascutney Medical Group and Hitchcock Clinic—Windsor, as well as the nurses of Mt. Ascutney Hospital. The free clinic is a one-time service, as all clients seen there are referred to some form of insurance program.
** Continuing Care Program – The Continuing Care Program is offered (depending upon your eligibility) for a period of 90 days while you obtain other health care insurance. This program can be renewed if necessary. You will receive care with a primary doctor from the Mt. Ascutney Medical group or the Hitchcock Clinic- Windsor. Your appointments will be made through the clinic and you will be asked to fill out an application to determine eligibility, which will be reviewed by our Hospital Business Office. Your latest Income Tax return will be used to verify your income. If you are eligible, you will be sent a letter of confirmation, which will offer you care for 90 days at Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center. During this period, if you need to see a doctor, services will be provided at no cost to you. This 90-day period of health coverage will give you a chance to apply for any VT State health insurance programs for which you might be eligible. The program can be renewed if you are unable to receive in-service coverage.
What is covered:
- Treatment for illness or injury
- Routine checkups with a primary care physician
- Annual exam
- Prostate exam
- Mammograms
- Lab tests
- X-rays
- Immunization
- Health education classes
- Help applying for insurance coverage
What is not covered:
- Vision services and eyeglasses
- Dental services
- Medical equipment and supplies
- Chiropractic services
- Over-the-counter medications
- Hospitalization
- Specialty services
About The Clinic
Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center is a small rural community hospital. They believe that all members of our community should be able to receive needed health care services, ranging from the prevention of disease and promotion of health to the treatment of illness and injury.
Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center, in volunteer partnership with the Mt. Ascutney Medical Group, the Hitchcock Clinic—Windsor, Valley Radiologists Professional Associates, and caring community volunteers has organized the clinic to provide access to a wide range of care to community members who do not have insurance, are underinsured, and lack the ability to pay for these services. The goal is to provide quality primary health care services to members of the community who are without adequate health insurance. This program has been established to serve members of the community who are not covered by Medicaid or private insurance, and do not have the financial resources to pay for health care services.

About Your Privacy:
Vermont’s Free & Referral Clinics’ (VFRC’s) member clinics are dedicated to patient confidentiality. If you need assistance with healthcare issues, please call for an appointment. For your protection, PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL US WITH CLINICAL CONCERNS.
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