Bennington Free Clinic – Bennington, VT

COVID-19 Clinic Status:
During the COVID-19 pandemic, VFRC clinics have adjusted their schedules and services. Please call the clinic nearest to you to learn how they may best serve your needs.


Executive Director: Natalie R. Basil
Phone: (802) 447-3700
E-Mail: [email protected]
Address: 121 Depot St, Bennington, VT 05201


The Bennington Free Clinic provides free primary medical care, including management of acute and chronic diseases; physical exams; wellness education; women’s clinics; case care management; referrals to participating specialists when medically necessary; and assistance obtaining pharmaceuticals. Clinic does not provide emergency care.


Uninsured adults between the ages of 18 and 64 who do not have health insurance or who have catastrophic-only health insurance that does not pay for preventative or primary care, and who meet the clinic’s income guidelines.

Relevant notes: Persons 65 and older are eligible for Medicare. Clinic volunteers will screen for eligibility for health care programs, assist in the enrollment process, and continue to provide health care during the transition.


Thursday evening: 6:00pm-9:00pm and some Monday mornings

Application: Appointment preferred, but will see walk-ins as time permits for the Thursday evening clinic. Must have an appointment for a Monday morning clinic.

About Your Privacy:

Vermont’s Free & Referral Clinics’ (VFRC’s) member clinics are dedicated to patient confidentiality. If you need assistance with healthcare issues, please call for an appointment. For your protection, PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL US WITH CLINICAL CONCERNS.

Clinic Related News – Bennington Free Clinic